From UK
Studying at ECUST as an international student allows you to combine high quality instruction on a welcoming campus, with the opportunity to experience life in China and in one of the world’s most bustling and vibrant cities, Shanghai. ECUST has a group of dedicated teaching staff and modern classrooms for Chinese language study. The university organizes several activities and trips throughout the year, giving international students great opportunities to experience Chinese history and culture. Having now studied Chinese at ECUST for one year, I feel very much at home at the university and in the city and have made great friends, both Chinese and international, while making huge progress with my language study. I would heartily recommend study at ECUST to anyone!
From Mexico
Estudie mi MBA en ECUST, Shanghai, y tome cursos de chino mandarin durante 6 mesesen el programaintensivo de la escuela de idiomas.
Forme parte de diferentesequiposdeportivos para competenciaenfutbol soccer y canotaje, sin dudauna gran experiencia y orgullopoderrepresentar a ECUST, convivi e hicegrandesamistades con gente de todo el mundo y tuveunamuy grata estancia en las instalaciones de ECUST.
Cuenta con excelentesprofesores, buenascondicionesenlosdormitorios, salones de clase, areas deportivas, cafeterias, auditorios, etc
ECUST es sin dudauna de las mejoresuniversidades para estudiar Chino Mandarin y/o estudiosuniversitarios y de posgrado.
Forme parte de diferentesequiposdeportivos para competenciaenfutbol soccer y canotaje, sin dudauna gran experiencia y orgullopoderrepresentar a ECUST, convivi e hicegrandesamistades con gente de todo el mundo y tuveunamuy grata estancia en las instalaciones de ECUST.
Cuenta con excelentesprofesores, buenascondicionesenlosdormitorios, salones de clase, areas deportivas, cafeterias, auditorios, etc
ECUST es sin dudauna de las mejoresuniversidades para estudiar Chino Mandarin y/o estudiosuniversitarios y de posgrado.
From Korea
선생님과학생들간의관계가가깝고,자상하게보살펴주셔서타국에있다는느낌이들지않고편안히공부할수있습니다. 시내에위치해서교통이무척편리합니다. 그리고유학생들을위해서각학기마다여행,운동회,뱃놀이,중국화그리기, 붓글씨,쿵푸등도쉽게배울수있습니다.
끝으로, 화공이공대학의눈부신발전을바랍니다. 감사합니다.
선생님과학생들간의관계가가깝고,자상하게보살펴주셔서타국에있다는느낌이들지않고편안히공부할수있습니다. 시내에위치해서교통이무척편리합니다. 그리고유학생들을위해서각학기마다여행,운동회,뱃놀이,중국화그리기, 붓글씨,쿵푸등도쉽게배울수있습니다.
끝으로, 화공이공대학의눈부신발전을바랍니다. 감사합니다.
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