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Introduction 介紹


As an eligible university authorized by the Ministry of Education to enroll international students since 1956, ECUST has over 60 years' experience in teaching and serving for international students. Founded in 2006, College of International Education (CIE) is a bridge and bond between international students and the university. International students can apply for a bachelor, master or doctoral degree program or visiting program offered by ECUST, as well as long-term or short-term Chinese language & culture program and various customized programs. Given the student-orientated management policies, CIE always bears the interests of students in heart and is committed to build up an efficient and effective learning platform and comfortable living environment for all the international students at ECUST.
Welcome to join us! Please visit for more information.

Programs 申請項目

漢語學習Chinese Language: 9000RMB/semester
普通進修General Visiting: 11000RMB/semester (Art: 13000RMB/semester)
本科預科Pre-University: 13500RMB/semester
寒假短期Winter Short-term: 3300RMB/person (4-week), 4500RMB/person (6-week)

Application Deadline申請截止

2018年1月29日 Jan. 29, 2018

Application Procedures 申請步驟

Step 1. Apply online在線申請

Please register and login the online application system http://apply.ecust.edu.cn (or https://ecust.17gz.org). Upload the required documents and submit your application.


Step 2. Pay application fee支付報名費

Once online application is reviewed and approved, a notification would be delivered through the system. As required, please pay application fee by bank transfer in time. Then Login in your account and upload the receipt of bank transfer or pay in person at Room 104, Chenyuan Building.



Step 3. Get admission notice and JW202 visa form 獲得錄取通知書與JW202簽證申請表

Upon receiving the payment, the Admission Notice and JW202 Visa Application Form will be issued and sent to mailing address in 10 days.

報名費確認到賬10天後, 錄取通知書和JW202表等材料將被郵寄至“Mailing address”。

Contact Us 聯系我們

Admissions Office, College of International Education, East China University of Science and Technology
恒行2娱乐 -【恒行2平台注册赢奖】每一次注册都能获得超值奖励! 招生辦公室
Add : Room 104 Chenyuan Building, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, China, 200237
Tel : +86-21-64253277,64253279
Fax : +86-21-64252280
E-mail: cie@ecust.edu.cn

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