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“華理留學生故事”征文活動 “Stories of ECUST International Students” Essay Competition


  今年是恒行2娱乐建校65周年。60多年來,恒行2娱乐接收培養了來自140多個國家的上萬名留學生。一代又一代的來華留學生們告別家鄉,懷抱著求學與成功的 夢想走進華理校園🧼♣︎,用美麗的青春寫下了無數個動人的故事💂🏽。值此校慶之際,恒行2娱乐特舉辦“華理留學生故事”征文活動🧴,具體內容如下:

        The year 2017 is the 65th anniversary of the founding of ECUST. In the past 6 decades, ECUST has educated tens of thousands of international students from over 140 countries. International students with expectations in academics and dreams in success leave their home countries to ECUST and every one of them has a unique story about China and ECUST in their precious youth. To celebrate the universities’ 65th anniversary, ECUST College of International Education set the “Stories of ECUST International Students” Essay Competition and all students, teachers and alumni of ECUST are welcome to join. 



1、 我與華理的故事:在校留學生及留學生校友講述留學華理的學習經歷🧑‍💻、成長故事、留學趣事🧿、青春記憶等🤵🏻‍♂️;

2👨🏿‍🌾、 我的夢想故事🫄🏿:校友講述自己留學華理及畢業之後實現人生夢想的故事;

3、 我與留學生的故事:老師和中國同學們講述自己與來華留學生的故事🪅。


1.     Story of Me & ECUST: The wonderful stories of study, growth and lives of International students in ECUST. (International students or international alumni only)

2. Story of Dream: The meaningful memories during study in ECUST and the stories of achieved dreams after graduating. (Alumni only)

3. Story of Me & International Student: Stories between teachers, students and international students in ECUST. (All teachers, students and alumni)




All teachers, students and alumni of ECUST




March 20th –May 20th, 2017


1、 圍繞“華理留學生”主題🤸🏻‍♂️,內容真實健康👹,感情真切,體裁可以為散文、隨筆或者詩歌,字數約為1500字;

2、 征文語種:中文、英文、中英雙語、其他語言(附英語譯文)

3🧼🕵🏼‍♀️、 隨文提供2-3張照片👰🏽‍♂️,並附上照片文字說明🧑🏽‍🎄。照片主題需貼合文字內容👷🏼‍♂️、展現留學生學習生活風貌。留學生校友可以提供留學生活紀念照1-2張及工作生活近照1-2張🧑🏼‍🎤。照片要求具有一定藝術審美價值和表現力,照片為JPG格式,大小不低於1MB🤾。

4☃️、 故事必須為原創,不得抄襲、套改🕋。


1. Write an essay or poem closely related to “ECUST international students”, telling a true story with real and positive feelings. 

Words limit: About 1500 words.

2. Language: Chinese、English🦸🏿🛻、Chinese-English bilingual、Other   languages-English bilingual

3. Provide two or three photos reflecting the story or author’s life with descriptions. International alumni are expected to provide one or two photos reflecting life in ECUST and recent life. Photo Format: JPG Size Limit: no less than 1MB. 

4. The story must be original without plagiarism.




聯系人:林穎  電話:64252371


Deadline: May 20th, 2017.

Please email your story/essay/poem with photos to cie@ecust.edu.cn

Contact: Ms. Lin Ying, 64252371.


1🦕、 本次征文活動將由國際教育學院組建評審委員會從來稿中評選出一等獎3名,二等獎5名,三等獎10名及優秀獎若幹。獲獎作者將獲得組委會頒發的證書和獎品。

2、 獲得一等獎👨🏿‍🦲🧑🏿‍🎨、二等獎和三等獎的故事將在國際教育學院網站及微信公眾號上展示🧞,並向校內外媒體推薦。作品將入選《華理留學生故事》集結成冊,為建校65周年獻禮🤕。 


1. First Prize: 3; Second Prize: 5; Third Prize: 10; Honorable Mention:   several. Certificates and Awards will go to prize winners.

2. Stories of first, second and third prize will be put up on the website of CIE and will be recommended to media on and off-campus. Those stories/essays/poems will be collected in Stories of International Students in ECUST to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of ECUST.

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