1. 遵守中國法律、法規和恒行2的各項規章製度✤,品德優秀;
2. 對中國友好🫸🏽,尊重中國人民的風俗習慣👦🏽,維護和增進各國人民之間的友誼和團結;
3. 尊師愛校👺,品行端正,團結同學,關心集體;
4. 學習刻苦,成績優良♖,有較強實踐能力和創新精神💔🟪;
5. 積極參加恒行2和學院組織的各類活動🧑🚒,熱心社會公益;
6. 在校期間受過處分或有不良記錄者不得參評;
7. 同等條件下獲得過獎勵⏰、公開發表過學術論文及曾為恒行2贏得過榮譽者優先考慮📯。
1. 符合上述條件並有意申請者請到國際教育學院網站(資料下載——在校學習)下載申請表,填寫完整後於2020年4月30日中午前將申請表發送至liangcheng@ecust.edu.cn。
2. 國際教育學院將負責組織評審,評選中堅持公開🔰、公平🧖♀️、公正原則。擬獲獎名單將在國際教育學院網站及微信公眾號公示一周📌。
3. 國際教育學院將為獲獎學生頒發榮譽證書。
Notice of Application for 2020 ECUST Outstanding International Graduates
- Eligibility
The applicant should be able to graduate before Jun 30, 2020 and get a degree of bachelor, master or doctor. The number of ECUST outstanding international graduates will be not more than 10% of the total number of international graduates.
- Criteria
1. Comply with Chinese laws, regulations and school rules & regulations, with excellent moral qualities;
2. Respect the customs and habits of the Chinese people, safeguard and promote friendship and solidarity among peoples of all countries;
3. Respect teachers and the school, behave decently, maintain a harmonious relationship with classmates, and care about the collective;
4. Be hardworking with excellent academic performance, strong practical ability and innovative spirit;
5. Actively participate in activities organized by schools and colleges, and be enthusiastic about social welfare;
6. Those who have been disciplined or have bad records during study will be dismissed for application;
7. Under the same conditions, those who have received awards, published academic papers, or won honors for the school will be given priority.
- Standards
Undergraduate and postgraduate total scores = GPA× 60% + Published papers and scientific research achievements during the time of study × 10% + Social activity performance score × 30%
Ph.D. total score = GPA×10%+Published papers and research achievements during the time of study ×60%+ Social Activity Performance Score×30%
- Procedure
1.Download the application form on the CIE website (Download-Study) . Complete the form and submit it to liangcheng@ecust.edu.cn by email before Apr 30, 2020.
2.CIE will be responsible for the review. The list of outstanding international graduates will be published on the CIE website and WeChat public account.
3.Certificates of honor will be awarded to the outstanding international graduates.