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    ECUST International Students Increases the Quantity and Quality of Their Papers Published in High-level Academic Journals


    To encourage international students to participate in scientific research, particularly postgraduates, CIE has rewarded those students whose papers were published in any high-level academic journals since 2017, in accordance with ECUST Outstanding Journal Paper Award for International Postgraduates. To our delight, during the period from December 1, 2017 to November 30, 2018, the quantity of international students’ academic articles published in those journals has increased. 12 papers with ECUST as the first author or corresponding author have been published in those top journals, 5 in Q1 and 7 in Q2. Compared with only 3 articles in Q2 in the same duration of 2017, papers’ quality also increased.

    In recent years, to support the Double First program in ECUST, CIE has implemented relevant national policies, absorbed more international students and strengthened the efforts to training them and established a sound system for their training and management. That is how we can attract more top international students to ECUST, and contribute a lot to ECUST’s internationalization and its influence.

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