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Business Administration

Program Introduction

The School of Business, East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST) offers programs in different levels of degree, undergraduate (bachelor), postgraduate (master), and doctorate (PhD).  There are two kinds of Master’s programs, academic program and professional Master’s programs (MBA, MPAcc, MEM).

The School boasts a teaching force with profound academic attainments and rich teaching experience, with which it has been able to run high-quality education programs and for which it has been highly valued by the society. Thousands of alumni in the worldwide have been playing an important role in their own businesses.

Education Concept

The program develops the leaders of the future, who must be able to empower others and to facilitate teamwork in diverse groups, to recognize and adapt to the constraints and opportunities of a global economy, and to accommodate the ethical and societal needs of the environment within which the organization functions.

Graduates will develop the necessary knowledge of Chinese business environment, professional skills and problem-solving techniques that will permit them to make an early contribution to management and eventually to move into broad, general management responsibilities at the executive level.

Research Fields

1.Organization and Strategy Management

2.Human Resource Management

3.Marketing Management

Main Courses

  • Research Methods I: Research Methods in Management
  • Research Methods II: Research design and data analysis
  • Research Methods III: Thesis and Academic Writing
  • Consumer Behavior
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